Take the
30-Day Weight Loss Challenge
Average just 60-minutes, 3-days/week, and it's Free
No membership required
Lose weight without hunger while eating food you love. Come in for a free 30-minute orientation to learn why our program will work for you.
Risk Free-Money Back Guarantee
Sign up today with our discount code and take $160 off the cost of the Core-22 program. This gives you immediate access to learn the 22 principles, daily feedback, and social support systems. If within seven days, you are not 100% satisfied that this program will work for you, simply contact us and return the unopened supplements for a complete refund.
Why are we doing this?
We're doing this crazy weight loss challenge for two reasons, to get your testimonial and you as a member.
We know that 30-days will provide enough results to make you not only want more, but also happy to share your story to help us help others. And as a participant, you're entitled to special offers that make that an easy decision.
Learn the 22 Principles
You need to know them all, so you always know what to do and why.
Eat Delicious Food
It’s much easier to stick to the program if the food tastes great.
Daily Support
We work together to make sure we all make steady progress.
Daily Feedback
It’s easy when you to know what you are doing right or wrong each day.
Nutritional Support
Our supplements reduce hunger and boost your ability to burn fat.
Unlimited Club Use
Exercise is so enjoyable when you can see steady results
Certified Trainer
Attend small group training sessions three times a week at a pace that fits you
Fat Melts Away
When you eat right, know how to supplement, and exercise correctly.
See What Others Have to Say
Audrie 11 lbs.
Jodie 19 lbs.
Merrie 90 lbs.
Alicia 40 lbs.
Amy 19 lbs.
Ann 70 lbs.
More Testimonials
Madeline 40 lbs.
Shelly 47 lbs.