Complete STEP 1 questions at any time, but do not answer STEP 2 questions until right after you have had breakfast. Complete the other steps as the day progresses after each meal. Do not wait until the end of the day to answer questions, as this will defeat the purpose.
Click on the various steps to open each questionnaire. It's important to take your time to consider each question before you answer and to make sure you understand what we are asking. Answer as honestly as you can, and please don't stretch the truth. If your answers are 100% truthful, it will be easier to pinpoint why you stopped losing weight.
In STEP 1, answer questions based on what you have been doing over the past two weeks. Take a minute to really think about what you have and have not been doing. In STEPS 2-5, answer based on what you did during each period in question, breakfast, after breakfast, lunch, etc., on the day you started the survey.
Simply going through this process will immediately improve your understanding of what you are doing right and what you could do to get better results. Your answers will make you aware of specific behaviors that, if changed, could mean the difference between success and failure. Be tough on yourself. If you know you are not consistently following a principle 100% of the time, admit that. Try to find the tiny missteps that, if corrected, could add up to make a significant difference. Suppose you provide answers that reveal every point where improvement is possible. In that case, you will sharpen your skills and ability to control your weight.
If you find yourself already applying things you know you haven't in the past or applying them more thoroughly, the process is doing what it should, making you more aware and able to make better decisions.