Invite Others
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Support Group FAQs
What is a Support Group?
Members of a group must come from the same doctors office, health club, association, or business. Most will be active dieters, some may have already achieved their goal and simply want to help others. Some members may have special training and started or joined the group to offer their assistance.
Group members are dieters and or trained staff members who understand what it takes to become a successful dieter. As a member, you become a supporter of all the dieters in the group while they support you. If you have already reached your weight loss goal and no longer need support yourself, you can also join simply to help other dieters.
Belonging to a group allows you to stay motivated to give your best effort knowing your progress reflect on the group and can inspire others to do the same. Belonging and contributing to a group will increase your chances of remarkable results and make your journey much more enjoyable and rewarding.
Join to help yourself or to help others by sharing your knowledge and experience.
Grow Your Group By Inviting Others
Now that you have created a support group, you will need to invite others. The
Invite Members by Text
To send a text message to your contacts, either: a) Send a message to yourself and forward it to your contacts or, b) Enter the mobile numbers of your contacts one at a time and send the requests directly form Core-22.
Your mobile number:
If this is not correct, please click here to update your number before continuing.
Click the button below and a text message will be sent to YOUR phone. You should then forward this message on to anyone you would like to support your diet. For instructions on how to forward a text message on an iPhone please watch the video below. For Android phones the process is similar.
* Standard data fees and text messaging rates may apply depending on your mobile phone plan and carrier.
Enter the mobile phone numbers of people you would like to invite to be your supporters and we will send them a text message on your behalf.
Please enter one mobile phone number at a time using only numerals and dashes, e.g. 310-555-8698
Invite Members by Email
Send an email only if you can't send a text message. Emails often end up in a spam or promotions folder so they may not reach the recipient.
If the Email buttons above don't open your email application with a message ready to send:
No luck using other buttons?
If you can't get our message to open in your email service using one of the buttons above, you may have your email set in such a way to prevent this feature or your email provider may prevent it. No worries.
Just click the COPY TEXT button below. That will copy the message for you. Open your email program and start to compose a new email. Paste the message into the email, add contacts to receive the message, and send.