This is What You Get
1 - Nutrition Based Weight Loss
When our cells don’t get the nutrients they need, calorie-burning metabolism slows and we experience chronic hunger and cravings, all contributing to weight gain. This is why so many Americans are overweight. It’s also why most dieters gain back any weight they lose on other weight loss programs.
We teach dieters how to choose and prepare food that has the most nutrients and to use food-based supplements to burn more calories and reduce chronic hunger.
2 - We Provide Three Phases of Weight Control
Most programs are focused on weight loss but do very little to prevent you from gaining the weight back. To lose weight and keep it off, you also need to stabilize your weight once you reach your goal and then know how to keep from gaining it back. Our stabilization and maintenance steps make weight loss more permanent than any other program.
3 - Teaching the Principles of Weight Loss
We use video to teach dieters all twenty-two principles or factors that determine their weight. This allows them to understand why they gained weight in the first place and how to lose as much weight as they want. Knowing all the principles gives dieters the flexibility to choose the principles they wish to apply. This allows them to customize the program to meet their own particular needs.
4 - Daily Feedback
To apply the 22 principles, a dieter needs to know what they are doing right or wrong each day. This allows them to make adjustments in their behavior until they master each new principle. Each day dieters receive a text message that includes a link to log onto the site. They enter their weight, answer twenty-two yes or no questions based on the principles, and very quickly learn the relationship between their actions and results. This process makes it possible for them to learn the consequences of their actions so they can begin to make better decisions about what, when, and how much they eat.
5 - Preparing to Lose Weight
Before starting to lose weight we ask dieters to consider the difficulties they faced losing weight in the past so they don’t make the same mistakes again. We also ask them to consider the underlying reason why losing weight is so important to them. We use this information during the feedback process to keep them motivated and making progress.
6 - Daily Feedback Reminder Text
We send dieters a reminder text each morning with a link to their feedback questions and progress graph. It takes just 30 seconds to enter their weight and answer questions related to the 22 principles.
7 - Weight Loss Phase
This graph allows dieters to know where they are in the process and how long it will take to reach their goal at their current rate.
8 - Weight Loss Food Plan
Dieters learn how to choose food with the highest nutritional content, fewest calories, and eat portions that are perfect for their height, age, gender and activity level.
9 - We Teach Dieters How To Cook
We provide cooking videos to teach dieters how to prepare meals that are healthy, promote weight loss and taste great.
10 - Supporters Provide Motivation
Dieters ask their closest friends and family to follow their progress. We send their supporters regular text messages that include a link to a page like the one below. Here, they can see a dieter’s weight loss and leave a comment. Every time a supporter visits this page, the dieter is notified, keeping them motivated to make constant progress.
11 - Stabilization Phase
When a dieter reaches their goal, they need to learn to keep their weight constant for 30 days. This stabilizes their new weight. Stabilization and the next step, maintenance, are missing from other programs and why dieters usually gain back all the weight they lost.
12 - Maintenance Phase
When a dieter reaches their goal and stabilizes their weight, they need to maintain it. They continue to log in every day to enter their weight and use everything they have learned to keep their weight between the two lines on the graph below.
13 - Food-Based Supplements
Unlike the majority of supplements sold today that are synthesized in a factory like, the supplements we use come from fruits, vegetables and wild caught fish. They were carefully selected to ensure that when combined with nutrient rich food, you have all the nutrients needed to burn more calories, reduce chronic hunger, and allow for optimum cell function. This is why the diet is so healthy and easy to follow. It’s also the primary reason why dieters lose weight so fast and find it easy to keep the weight off.
Greens First Capsules
Greens First Capsules provide naturally occurring and easily absorbed vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants that work synergistically in your body to provide 49 different super foods, extracts and concentrates including supergreens, organic fruits & vegetables, probiotics, soluble and insoluble fibers, herbs, spices, natural flavonoids and enzymes so you can be sure you are getting more of the important nutrients your body needs to work at it's full potential.
Greens First Berry
Greens First Berry is a delicious and complete phytonutrient and antioxidant supplement that provides your body with an advanced combination of nature's healthiest fruits, berries, and garden vegetables along with rice bran, flax seed, and a probiotic blend for healthy digestion.
Rice Fiber First
Rice Fiber promotes normal elimination and regularity while controlling glucose, cholesterol, and lipid levels in the body. It contains nutritional fiber, significant quantities of the rice bran nutrients, gamma oryzanol, and several other phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that promote cleansing, detoxification, and healthy weight management.
The majority of dietary fiber products on the market are psyllium-based and cause bloating and stomach irritation. Rice Fiber First on the other hand contains no psyllium, avoiding these unwanted effects.
ProOmega - D
Pro Omega D is Omega-3 from fish oil, an essential fatty acid recommended mainly for its anti-inflammatory health benefits. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are fats that our body need but cannot produce. It is almost impossible to get the Omega 3 and D we need so supplementing is the only way to ensure we are not deficient.