The Right Supplements are Vital!
Burn Calories and Fat with Higher Metabolism
If you take the right combination of supplements, you will experience less hunger and fewer cravings. It also accelerates calorie-burning metabolism, so your body will burn fat at a much higher rate. If you are trying to lose weight or keep from gaining more, supplements make a significant difference.
Nutrition-based weight loss works because it's designed to turn metabolism up so much that you burn massive amounts of calories. Metabolism is what we call the combined activity of 37 trillion cells that make up your body. Your cells act like machines in a factory, and nutrients are the raw material they need to work. With adequate nutrients, every cell will function at optimum capacity, burning the most calories. Unfortunately, you can't get enough nutrients, even if you eat perfectly. To make up the difference, you need to augment your diet with supplements made from food. Food-based supplements provide the variety of the 25,000 nutrients your cells need.
If you eat nutrient-rich food and taking the right supplements is also the best way to improve your health.
Eliminate Hunger and Cravings
Hunger is a survival mechanism. It's your body's way of making you eat when your cells need more nutrients. A craving is a hunger for a specific nutrient, e.g., if you need salt, you will crave food that's high in salt.
When you eat nutrient-rich food and supplement correctly, you reduce or completely eliminate hunger and cravings.
Slow metabolism and chronic hunger cause weight gain and make it hard to keep the weight off. That's why we recommend supplementing your diet after reaching your goal.
Why? Poor Food Quality
Industrial farming, overuse, and depletion of minerals from soil mean food has fewer nutrients than ever. Food is also harvested before it's ripe so they can arrive at their final destination before starting to spoil. Low nutrient content You would have to eat non-stop to get all the vitamins, minerals, and plant-based nutrients needed for maximum metabolism.
Nutrition and Your Health
Nutrients are the raw materials your cells need to function, and that only happens when they have enough of the right nutrients. Without nutrients, cell function slows down, and they burn fewer calories. With the food supply so depleted of nutrients combined with the poor choices most people make about what they eat, our cells are functioning at a much lower level than possible. As soon as you supply your cells with the right combinations of nutrients, your cells become energized. Cells work at a higher level, so they burn more calories while your health improves. So many conditions and so many symptoms are caused by inadequate nutrition. Only the right combination of nutritious food and quality supplements can provide the nutrients we really need.
Why Supplements From Real Food?
Every cell in our body requires just the right combination of nutrients to function correctly. If you have too much of one nutrient or not enough of another, the excess is useless. This is like baking a cake and having twice as much flour as needed. Taking a high dose of just one vitamin or mineral is worthless without the other nutrients. They must also be in the correct ratios for them to work at all. Our supplements have the right combinations of vitamins, minerals, and phyto (plant) nutrients because they are made from real food, and that's the ratio our cells are used to. Getting your nutrients from the food you eat and supplements made from food is the only to get the nutrition your cells need.
Still Not 100% Convinced?
Watch the video from the Core-22 educational portion of our program.
You won't need to view the whole thing before understanding why 75% of the US population has a problem with weight, why it's so hard to lose weight, and why taking the right supplements is vital.