Did you sleep at least seven hours the night before?
0 1 Great, keep it up.
2 You must sleep at least 7 hours, which is a minimum. Inadequate sleep is stressful, so it produces stress hormones that slow your progress and make losing weight much harder. Try going to bed earlier to see if you can't improve.
3 4 Did you take all the recommended supplements?
5 6 Great, keep it up.
7 Providing your cells with the nutrients they need to burn calories is the best way to reduce hunger and cravings and ensure you burn the maximum amount of calories. If you sometimes forget, try using a supplement tray or setting up a plastic bag with each day's supply. If you are not taking all the recommended supplements, consider starting or changing your subscription to see how much easier and faster it is to lose weight.
8 9 Did you only eat food and drink from the approved food plan?
10 11 Great, keep it up.
12 If what you eat or drink is not on the approved list, you are making it harder for yourself to reach your goal. We chose the approved foods very carefully. They have the fewest calories, the lowest glycemic load, and the most nutritional value, so your cells burn fat at a higher rate, and you experience less hunger and fewer cravings.
Weight loss is 70% of what you eat. The next time you are about to eat something you shouldn’t, consider why you want to reach your goal and if what you are about to eat is worth it.
13 14 Could you have started to retain fluid prior to a menstrual cycle?
15 16 Then a slowdown in weight loss may be nothing other than an increase caused by fluid retention. If this is the only thing found in this questionnaire, you are likely still losing fat but retaining fluid in its place. You will realize your results when your cycle passes and the fluid is gone. Just stay the course, and don't be discouraged by the scale.
17 Great
18 19 Is it possible that you are getting a cold, flu, or fever?
20 21 If you feel ill, have flu symptoms, allergies, or a fever; your body may be inflamed and retaining water. It will seem like you stopped losing weight, but you are just retaining fluid. Just stick to the diet, stay hydrated, take the recommended supplements, and get extra sleep.
22 Great to hear. Next question
23 24 Did you eat the right amount of green leafy vegetables?
25 26 That's great. The more of those you eat each day, the easier it is to lose weight.
27 If you can eat them more consistently, you will lose weight faster.
Green leaf veggies provide essential minerals, vitamins, fiber, and phytonutrients that aid in the metabolic fat-burning process, and they also require more calories to digest than they contain. As long as you stick to the serving amounts and type of dressings you use, they don't add any calories to your diet. Eating them provides nutrients in the perfect combinations to help your cells burn calories and, therefore, fat; they reduce the urge to eat foods that contain higher calories, and because they contain fiber, they make you feel full faster and longer, making it easier to stick to the program.
28 29 Did you weigh your protein to ensure the correct serving size?
30 31 That means your protein portions are not contributing to the slow weight loss.
32 Eating too much can slow down your weight loss. Guessing how much a piece of fish or steak weighs could make losing weight much more difficult. If you think you are as accurate as a scale, test yourself for a while to make sure. If your loss rate has slowed, this may be a contributing factor.
33 34 Did you eat one serving of fruit or less?
35 36 Great. Keep it up.
37 If you eat more than one serving, it will affect your speed of weight loss. The only exception is when you exercise at an intense level or for a prolonged period.
38 39 Did you drink the correct amount of water?
40 41 That's perfect. Your cells need water to burn calories as much as they do nutrients. Everything slows down if you're dehydrated, so keep up the excellent work.
42 You need to take steps to change that. Water reduces hunger, and boosts cell metabolism, which burns more calories and improves digestion. It is almost impossible to lose weight if you’re dehydrated. Use a container and make sure you fill it the correct number of times each day to ensure you consistently get enough.
43 44 Was the water you drank filtered?
45 46 That's great. Don't ever stop. It would help if you also considered placing a filter on your shower. Breathing chlorine gas is many times more harmful than drinking chlorinated water.
47 This contributes to a lack of weight loss. Thankfully, it's not difficult to correct. Chemicals and toxins in the water harm your health but also cause water retention, which can cause your weight to fluctuate. At times this may make it seem like you are not losing fat when you are. Filtering water is the most effective and least expensive way to get the pure water your cells need.
You should also consider a filter for your shower. Breathing chlorine gas is many times more harmful than drinking chlorinated water.
48 49 Are you sure you didn't eat any wheat or dairy products?
50 51 That's great! Keep it up.
52 Consuming wheat or dairy may interfere with your ability to lose weight. This is also true for Barley, Rye, Oats, Spelt, and Kamut.
Dairy is pasteurized and homogenized, making it an unnatural food product. It also comes from animals that are usually injected with hormones and antibiotics. These are also likely raised on feed grown with chemicals.
Eating wheat or dairy can cause inflammation and water retention, which will interfere with your rate of weight loss. Try harder to avoid these food products.
53 54 Are you sure you didn't eat any processed food?
55 56 Great. There are so many reasons not to eat processed food. Keep it up.
57 This is contributing to your lack of progress. Processed foods lack nutrients and add calories to your diet without the nutritional value you would have had if you ate unprocessed food. They also contain harmful inflammatory additives that can cause inflammation and make it appear you are losing less weight than you are. Unfortunately, there is no way to know.
58 59 Did you consume wine, beer, or alcoholic beverages?
60 61 This will slow your progress and make losing weight more difficult. Alcohol converts to sugar when it enters the bloodstream. Alcohol and excess sugar can throw off blood sugar and insulin levels for days making weight loss virtually impossible. Alcohol and the mixes that are used to make drinks contribute calories to your diet and because they offer little to no nutritional value, they don't generate any boost to your metabolism. Calories without nutrients are empty calories. They do nothing but contribute to the production of fat.
62 Rules that out as a contributing factor.
63 64 Did you consume any farm raised fish?
65 66 That will contribute to a slowdown in your rate of weight loss. Farm-raised fish is grown in small ponds where the animals live in their fecal matter. In many cases, these conditions are so bad for the health of the fish and contain such large amounts of harmful bacteria that large quantities of antibiotics must be used to keep the fish from becoming diseased. In addition, farm-raised fish are loaded with chemicals that can cause inflammatory water weight gain. Try harder to find wild-caught fish, and you will notice the difference.
67 Perfect.
68 69 Did you consume sugar, artificial sweeteners, or honey?
70 71 If you are using more than 2 tbsp. of coconut palm sugar, more than two servings of unprocessed Stevia per day, or if you use any other sweetener, it will slow or stop your progress.
Artificial sweeteners are potent chemicals that completely throw off your ability to process carbohydrates leading to hunger that cannot be satisfied unless you constantly keep your stomach full.
Sugar, honey, or anything promoted as a natural sweetener add empty calories and spikes your blood sugar. This produces fat and makes you hungry.
72 Great. Keep it up.
73 74 Do you eat beef that was not grass-fed or labeled organic?
75 76 Eating non-organic beef can make weight loss slower and, in some cases, impossible.
Non-organic meat comes from animals injected with steroids and antibiotics, raised on genetically modified feed, and laden with pesticides and other potentially inflammatory chemicals.
77 Good job. Keep that up.
78 79 Do you refrain from eating three hours before going to bed?
80 81 Great. That's important while trying to lose weight. Keep that up.
82 Eating within three hours of sleep reduces the time you are burning fat by 30%, decreasing the amount of weight you will lose each day. However, it can also interfere with your sleep cycle and store unused calories as fat.
If you can stop eating during that time, it won't take long before it becomes natural. So that will not only help you lose weight, but it will also help you keep from gaining it back.
83 84 Did you eat in a restaurant?
85 86 This may be a factor making weight loss more difficult. Even approved foods at a restaurant can be spiced or enhanced with MSG or something like it. These will cause inflammation, immediate water retention, and weight gain.
Learn to prepare more meals at home or find those restaurants that you can trust when they say they have not used "spice", MSG or any other flavor enhancing additives.
87 Great. That means it's less likely you consumed something you shouldn't like: wheat, dairy, farm-raised shrimp or fish, processed food, or food laced with MSG and the other chemical additives used to make food look and taste better.
88 89 Were the fruits and vegetables you consumed organic?
90 91 That great. keep it up.
92 Non-organic fruits and vegetables are grown with toxic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. These harmful chemicals are absorbed into the food and cause them to have fewer nutrients, so they don't boost metabolism and cause inflammatory weight gain, making losing weight more difficult.
93 94 Do you have at least one bowel movement each day?
95 96 Great. Don't change a thing.
97 If you do not have a bowel movement each day, you are carrying the weight of your accumulated waste, so the scale is not reflecting your actual fat loss.
Poor digestion also reduces nutrient absorption and increases the entire body's toxicity, causing inflammation, water retention, and added water weight.
Make sure you take your fiber supplements and get the appropriate amount of water daily.
98 99 Did you start taking over-the-counter or prescription medication?
100 101 This could slow your weight loss or make it more difficult. It's not at all uncommon to gain or stop losing weight after you start taking a new prescription or over-the-counter medication. Many will cause inflammation, water retention, and weight gain.
You can still lose weight while taking medication but you will have to do everything else right.
I will also provide you with Plateau Breakers that can improve your results.
102 Great. That means we don't have to worry about medication interfering with your weight.
103 104 Did you eat the right amount of food?
105 106 Excellent!
107 You will stop losing weight if you can't follow the diet consistently. This is often a problem when you get closer to your goal and don't feel your weight is as important as when you began the diet.
Remember why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. Maintaining your weight is no harder if you reach your target, so don't stop now, especially if your perfect weight is just a few weeks away.
108 109 Did you limit the use of olive oil to one tablespoon a day?
110 111 Olive oil is essential for metabolism and hunger suppression but will stop you from losing weight if you use more than you should. Make it a point to limit its use to one tablespoon a day.
112 113 Did you have five or more supporters following your progress?
114 115 You are missing out on one of the major factors making this program so successful. Supporters will motivate you to follow the program more closely and keep you from slacking off when you feel like it or getting closer to your goal. Having supporters also puts you in a great position to inspire others with your success.
Do yourself a big favor and add more supporters right now. Just click the add supporters button, send yourself a text, and forward it to any friends or family members you have spoken to, emailed, or texted over the last few months.
It makes a difference.
116 117 Did you use two teaspoons of raw salt?
118 119 It would help if you could get the salt your body needs. Processed table salt, the salt used in processed food, is 97% sodium. It has none of the other minerals our cells need to utilize sodium. Unprocessed Himalayan and Celtic Sea salt, on the other hand, provides us with sodium, magnesium, and over 90 other minerals making it an essential nutrient vital to healthy cell function and metabolism.
If you can't stand the added salt taste, you can also take sea salt tablets purchased from a health food store.
120 121 Did you start or change your exercise program?
122 123 Regular exercise is excellent as long as you keep it light until you reach maintenance. If you exercise more than 45 minutes at a time or a high intensity, you must know how to adjust your fruit intake to prevent exercise compensation. If you don't eat enough additional fruit just before or during intense exercise, you will develop extreme hunger that will cause you to eat something you shouldn't or more than you should. Too much fruit will prevent hunger but will stop your weight loss. See the food plan and the principal video on exercise for more information.
124 I would encourage you to start as soon as you resume a steady rate of weight loss. Exercising for as little as 20 minutes three days a week can make a big difference. In no time, it will help you lose weight, shape and tone your body, and make you look and feel more youthful and vibrant. In addition, when you start maintenance, exercise makes it much easier to keep the weight off.
125 126 Submit