Most diets are based upon just two or three principles. They are often unhealthy and make you so miserable you can’t wait to end them. When you do, you gain all the weight you lost back, leaving you frustrated and doubtful you will ever get your weight under control.
Core teaches you every factor that influences your weight, so you can choose which principles you will use to lose and maintain your weight. Once you know the twenty-two principles, the confusion about why you lost or gained weight is eliminated, so you always know what to do.
Core 22 is nutrient-based weight loss which means you lose weight not only because you eat food with fewer calories but also because you eat the most nutritious food. When you eat the right food and take the right combination of supplements, trillions of cells in your body will burn more calories than ever. Getting the nutrients you need also reduces hunger and craving, one of the primary causes of weight gain.
Other diets don’t have a feedback system that texts them daily to find out what they did right or wrong to keep them honest about their decisions and actions. In addition, they don’t have a support system that keeps them connected to friends and family that will keep them motivated to do their best. These two features help our dieters stick to the diet long enough to reach their goals.
Our dieters have the knowledge and skills necessary to stabilize and maintain their weight, so they don’t gain the weight back. However, if they slip and gain back a few pounds, they know how to get back to their target weight.
This is the solution dieters have been looking for. It works fast, it’s healthy, and it’s permanent.
Losing weight too fast is unhealthy if you do it by starving yourself. Your cells, tissues, and organs need the nutrients they get from food to function. If you don’t eat enough, your cells can’t function properly, which is terrible for your health.
Core 22 is considered nutrient-based weight loss because it’s based on assuring your cells have all the nutrients they need to function at their highest level. As a result, you can lose weight faster because your cells work at a higher level, burning more calories.
The program was designed for professionals in the health and fitness industries to use as a tool to help the people they serve. It’s based on scientific principles to achieve optimum health and weight control through quality nutrition. There is no healthier way to eat or to lose weight.
These principles determine if your weight will go up or down. To identify all 22, we look into every factor that could play a role in weight loss. When the list was complete, it became apparent why losing weight on other programs was so difficult. Learning these 22 principles makes weight loss possible and any goal you set more attainable.
The standard answer is “Ask your doctor.” This program is based on learning the principles that influence your weight, eating healthy food, and avoiding food that contains toxins or lacks nutritional value. We focus on ensuring you get the optimal nutrition, sleep, and water while getting the support necessary to successfully reach and maintain your weight loss goals. We include all-natural, healthy food-based supplements without stimulants or synthetic ingredients. As a result, we’ve seen dieters with various health conditions achieve permanent weight loss and drastically improve their health.
You should download the Share Core-22 with Your Physician document and ask your obstetrician this question. Tell them the diet is based on eating non-processed foods with healthy proportions of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. You will also supplement your diet with the highest quality food-based supplements available to ensure you get the most vitamins and minerals possible.
Your obstetrician may want you to take other supplements as well. This is fine and will not interfere with the program. However, suppose they suggest you not take our supplements. In that case, you may consider waiting until later to use the Core 22 program.
We will give you a list of approved foods, drinks, and seasonings. We recommend unprocessed food with the highest nutritional value and fewest calories. We encourage you to eat organic foods and avoid food that has been genetically modified. You will eat various fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and seafood you purchase and prepare yourself. If you don’t usually cook, we have cooking videos that show you how to create meals you will love.
Yes, especially since the last ten pounds are the most difficult. To lose that last few pounds, you need to know how to apply all the principles, and once you lose it, how to keep from gaining it right back. You will learn how to make better food choices, control portions, and reduce hunger and craving. The twenty-two principles will get you there and ensure you never need another weight loss program again.
Yes, especially since the last ten pounds are the most difficult. To lose that last few pounds, you need to know how to apply all the principles, and once you lose it, how to keep from gaining it right back. You will learn how to make better food choices, control portions, and reduce hunger and craving. The twenty-two principles will get you there and ensure you never need another weight loss program again.
Have you ever taken a class or worked out in a gym with friends? You may have wanted to skip a day, but your friends would not have it. That’s social support. When you know someone will hold you accountable, you are likelier to do each workout. We ask you to do the same with your weight loss program. You invite friends and family to support your efforts, and if they agree, we will send them an email or text message each week to let them know how you are doing. They never see your weight but rather how much you lost and how many days you have left to reach your ideal weight. You can have as many supporters as you have friends and family.
The more supporters you have, the better. We found a direct correlation between the number of supporters you have and your speed of success. So if you are ready to reach your goal, let everyone know, and you will succeed.
Daily feedback is a vital feature of our program’s success. You log in each day to enter your weight and check a list of principles to determine which of them you did or did not do. This teaches you the consequences of decisions, so you know which principles get you the best results. In addition, feedback allows you to learn what will happen before you make a decision. As a result, you can predict your weight each morning before you step on the scale. When you can do that, you will be able to make daily decisions about what to eat or do, knowing the impact each will have on your weight.
The supplements taken while on our program are unlike any you may have taken. They are made from actual food instead of others synthesized from oil in a factory. They were carefully selected to ensure you have all the nutrients necessary to burn the most calories, lose weight and restore health. These nutrients, combined with the food you will be eating on the program, will speed up your natural metabolism to burn more calories while curbing your appetite. They are one of the key reasons our dieters can lose as much weight as they want and keep it off.
Yes. Food today does not meet the average person’s nutritional needs. Without the right supplements in the correct combinations, your body just can’t function to its fullest. Nutrient deficiencies will slow calorie-burning metabolism and negatively affect your health.
Supplements can help a great deal. However, not just any supplement will do. Most supplements are synthetic, meaning they are manufactured from crude oil. Some synthetic supplements can indeed improve specific health conditions. Still, they can’t compensate for the nutrients you are not getting from your diet. Therefore, getting natural nutrients in the right combinations and quantities is vital.
Weight loss is a math equation. You need to decrease the calories you eat while increasing the calories you burn. We do this with a food plan that teaches you to eat food with the most nutrients and the fewest calories and food-based supplements.
Hunger and cravings are also influenced by the nutrients you consume. If you don’t have enough nutrients, hunger is the body’s way of making you eat, so you have a greater chance of getting the nutrients you are missing. When you eat the right food and supplements with our nutrients, you will burn more calories and have less hunger and cravings.
Even if you eat a perfect diet, you can’t get all the nutrients needed to keep your body functioning at its best. The recommended supplements reduce hunger and make it possible to burn more calories. Without them, you are much more likely to gain back the lost weight. They are the absolute best and most comprehensive available. Although they are more expensive than synthetic supplements, they are worth the added cost. You can’t get them anywhere else at a better price.
To be as healthy as possible, live without sickness with enough energy to enjoy life, eat nutritious food, and take the best supplements available.
You are likely taking synthetic supplements, most supplements are. If you are taking whole food supplements that’s great, keep taking them. There are no adverse effects when taking more whole food supplements than needed. The chances you have found the best combination of whole food supplements for the weight loss phase of the diet is unlikely however.
Our experience has taught us that you lower your chances of success dramatically if you don’t follow the program as we designed it. We went through 17 different trials with different supplement combinations prior to deciding on the ones we use now.
If you like, once you reach your target weight you can continue to take your supplements rather than those we recommend for after the diet.
Yes. More than 99% of all supplements sold are synthetic. They are typically one version of one or more particular nutrients. In food, vitamins have many versions or structural configurations that work together like the instruments of a symphony. Alone, synthetic supplements can be beneficial but can also cause several issues, including upset stomach, nausea, gas, headaches, and more.
Our food-based supplements are made from food. They are all-natural and ullikely to be any more of an issue than eating food itself. Our supplements provide the trillions of cells of your body with what they need to function at their optimum level. When your body has the nutrients it needs, it works. Our supplements combined with good food allow that to happen.
Our food-based supplements are made from real food. If you have food allergies, check the label before taking them. If you are allergic to any ingredients, contact us, and we will find a substitute.
If the food you are allergic to is on the food plan, eat something else.
Not at all. We have been told that by so many dieters. They respond just as well as anyone else on the program. People with slow metabolism respond to eating foods that are high in nutrients. With the whole food combination of supplements we provide they begin to get the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients their body needs to function at at optimal level. Normal for most is actually slow compared to our dieters because the typical foods most eat are so low in nutrient value and are eaten in the wrong combinations. Unless your thyroid has been removed or damaged by cancer treatment, you should do very well on our program. With our guarantee you can try it out and if you don’t respond, just return the rest of the supplements and we will give you a complete refund.
Our packages are conservative estimates based on two years of testing on hundreds of dieters. The average dieter loses 23.7 lbs their first month, and 10 to 15 each month after. We charge one price for the training regardless of the amount of weight you need to lose and another price for the supplements. If you take longer than expected, and that will only happen if you don’t really try, you can purchase more supplements at a subscription based price.
Very small. This is not like any other diet. As a Dr and Personal Trainer we could not find a diet half as good as this to recommend to our patience and none have the functionality that comes with core-22. Daily feedback, social support, all 22 principles of weight loss, and our whole food based array of nutrients have never been combined into one weight loss program until now. The only reason you will fail is if you don’t try or follow the program as recommended. You may find a principle or two difficult but often times those will be the ones keeping you at the weight you are now. Our daily feedback tool will quickly point out any areas that may be hindering your progress and we’ve been told that, that alone is worth the price of the program.
Yes. You will be eating a healthy diet of foods with a low glycemic (sugar) index and that is perfect for dieters with diabetes. Our dieters with diabetes do very well and often have to lower or come off of their medications as they lose weight. We have had a number that are no longer taking insulin as a result of the program.
Yes. Like dieters on diabetes medication, you may find your dependence on medication declines as you progress through the program. Your body will begin to function better than it has in a long time. As it does, your doctor may ask you to reduce or stop your medication all together. Don’t modify your medications on your own. It would be a good idea to take your Blood Pressure weekly and see your doctor if you need to adjust your dosage.
Most dieters with high cholesterol at the onset of the program report a drastic improvement in their levels after learning to eat better foods. We suspect the change is likely due to the combination of foods high in nutrients and the whole food supplements. Getting enough nutrients allows the body to start working as it was designed to and this corrects the faulty cholesterol metabolism. There is no adverse affect at all but don’t be surprised if the next time you have your levels checked you see an improvement.
Most dieters with high cholesterol at the onset of the program report a drastic improvement in their levels after learning to eat better foods. We suspect the change is likely due to the combination of foods high in nutrients and the whole food supplements. Getting enough nutrients allows the body to start working as it was designed to and this corrects the faulty cholesterol metabolism. There is no adverse affect at all but don’t be surprised if the next time you have your levels checked you see an improvement.