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Chicken and Broccoli

Recipe by: Mandie Shockley
Serves Two


Chicken and Broccoli
1 Garlic Clove
1 Lemon
1 Head of Broccoli
Olive Oil
10 oz. Chicken


Make Marinade
Zest or chip a garlic clove. Roll a lemon to loosen it up. Zest the outer skin into the bowl. Squeeze 1/2 lemon and 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil into the bowl. Add salt and pepper.

Get the Broccoli Started
Cut the heads away from the stems and break or chop the crown into small eatable pieces. Add to a frying pan with an inch of water. Cook on medium heat as you prepare the chicken.

Prepare Chicken
Dice parsley and set aside. Weigh 10oz. Chicken and on a plastic cutting board, slice into three or four thin layers. Mix the chicken with the marinade until all sides are covered, and place into a frying pan to cook on medium heat. Cook one side until you can see the edges turn white and the downside turns a nice brown. Flip and cook until both sides are brown. Turn the heat off and place the chicken aside. When the broccoli is ready, it should still have a little crunch rather than becoming mushy. Take the other half of your lemon and, with the heat back on in the pan used to make the chicken, rub the lemon pulp to free any particles left from the chicken and squeeze the lemon into the hot pan. Add the broccoli and mix with the lemon juice and remove to a serving bowl. Add the chicken after you cut it into strips. Add the parsley before serving.