Learn About the Referral Partner Program
The Perfect System for Your Salon
Three quarters of your clients are looking for a weight loss solution
Healthy, Takes No Time, Easy to Start, Your Clients Will Love It
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Included in your Partner Package
Staff Administration Portal
Anyone registered to recommend the program will be able to keep track of their commissions and the progress of their dieters. They will be able to send and receive messages with those dieters and download their success stories. They also gain access to the actual diet allowing them to use the diet themselves if they like.
Promotional Opportunities
Dieters and supporters log into the Core-22 website every day for 30 days and then weekly until the dieter reaches his or her goal. When you become a Core-22 referral partner, Provide us with a special offer and we will make it available to dieters and supporters on our Local Core-22 Friends page.
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Add a Banner and Stand $64.99
24 X 63 Vinyl Banner with Stand
To announce your new program and start the process letting clients know you have a weight loss program, consider adding a 24 X 63 vinyl banner with a floor stand.

Optional iPad Air Tablet, Security Stand, and Kiosk Software $599
Get your program with a 9.5 inch iPad Air tablet and security stand. This comes with kiosk software set to display a promotional page anyone can use to calculate the number of days it will take to lose all the weight they want. They can view videos to learn about the program, and register.
75% of the population is looking for a weight loss solution. When one of them sees the tablet, they will want to know how long it would take for them to reach their goal. When they realize how few days it will actually take, they will want to know more.
We suggest you place one on the front counter to tell everyone you have a weight loss program.
Visit a sample page to try it out. Click Here

Referral Partner Package
250 Business Cards
Your program comes with 250 business cards that can be used by staff to promote the program. They simply mention the program, answer any questions and hand the card to their client, friend or family member.
Cards come with the core-22 web address, and a space to write in a discount code that takes $160 off the cost of the diet. If you plan on sharing the sales commissions with staff, they simply hand them out with their personal discount code to make it possible for us to identify them as the person generating the sale.
Included in your Affiliate Package
Six 5 X 7 Acrylic signs
These can be placed throughout your practice as a way to let patients know you have a weight loss solution.
They generate interest and prompt conversations. Staff can explain how the program works, refer them to the tablet at the front counter, and hand them a business card to take $160 off the cost of the diet.
Attract New Clients
Turn Clients Into Promoters
When a client loses 20 to 30 pounds in a month, everyone notices.
Your Clients Want to Lose Weight
75% of your clients are looking for a way to lose weight and will try an average of four different diets every year. With your Core-22 weight loss program they will lose weight faster then ever before.
Clients seldom tell other about their salon but if they lose 23 pounds in a month, everyone will ask them how they did it. This is the perfect opportunity for them to talk about your salon, your weight loss program and what they like about you shop. This can't help but generate new diet sales and new clients.
Family and Friends Want Weight Loss
Friends and family are asked to monitor results and will want to lose weight too.
Patients Will Promote the Diet and Practice to Their Friends and Family
Every dieter is asked to enlist the support of at least five friends or family members to follow their progress. When these supporters see your patient, someone they know personally, lose 20 to 30 pounds in a month and continue to lose 15-pounds a month each month thereafter, they will be impressed, interested, and may want the diet for themselves or someone they know.
Each time your dieter passes a 10-pound milestone, we send each supporter a special thank you text message on your behalf. It expresses your appreciation for their help and presents them with your $160 off discount code and Core-22 URL to sign up for the program. They can use this themselves but are also encouraged to also pass it along to their friends and family. This extends the reach of your weight loss program beyond your immediate patients, generating additional diet sales commissions and new patients.

These supporters also learn about chiropractic and your practice when they check the About Us tab on your Core-22 portal. Once they know about you and your new patient offer, they may consider calling for an appointment, especially after speaking with the dieter they know is a patient of your practice.
Sample About Us page

Past Clients Want Weight Loss
75% are looking for a weight loss solution. Why not email them your program?
Reactivate Past Members
Use the diet to reactivate past patients. email them about your Core-22 Weight Loss program with a patient discount code that takes $160 off the cost of the diet and mention the money back guarantee. 75% of them are looking for a weight loss solution. If they use the program to lose weight it will generate a sales commission and with your new patient offer, possibly bring them back in for a consultation.
Even if they don’t reactivate, one of their supporters may see your new patient offer and call for an appointment.

The Community Wants Weight Loss
Your marketing efforts will improve if you can offer rapid weight loss results.
Core-22 is a Tool to Generate New Patients
Promote Your Practice as a Core-22 Weight Loss Center - Three quarters of the population are overweight and looking for a weight loss solution. Every person that signs up and all their supporters will learn about chiropractic, your practice, and your special offer.
Independent Sales Personnel - The diet and commissions generated are a great way to promote your practice to the community. You can hire independent sales staff to place promotional material throughout the community and pay them a generous sales commission for sales in those locations. Your current staff may also want to generate additional income this way. Simply assign them a diet discount code (we make that easy to do), give them a few desktop signs (You can buy them from us at cost), and some of the Core-22 business cards you get when you sign up (more available on our site). Have them go out into the community to leave their cards and a sign at business locations. If each location produces just one sale a month and they place signs in just 10 locations, they would earn an additional $500 a month. That's just half of the the practices sales commission on the first payment of the diet purchase. They earn even more when those dieters supporters sign up for the program.
And don't forget this. Every person that signs up and all their supporters are potential new patients. They see your promotional, About Us page, every day of the program.
New Source of Revenue for the Salon and Staff
Income For Your Salon
Sales can Generate Significant Commissions
Revenue for Your Club
As a Core-22 Weight Loss Center, you earn sales commissions on diets and supplements purchased from your Core-22 affiliate web address. These include sales to your patients, their supporters, and others who learn about the program through your community marketing programs.
Cost and Commissions
The diet is priced at $260 but with your $160 off discount code, patients and their referrals pay just $100. Your commission on the sale of the diet is $50. The diet can also be purchased with supplements at an additional cost of $175. Your commission is $35, half the profit. These supplements are costly because they are the highest quality food based supplements on the market. Dieters need them to boost cell metabolism and lower hunger, two of the principles they learn about on the program. If you already sell supplements in the office, just tell patient to purchase them directly from you if you like.
You earn $15 to $35 per month on supplement sales for as long as dieters continue to purchase one of the three supplement packages available while on the program and long after for their health and weight maintenance.
Average $200 per Dieter, $400 to $800 if you count referrals
The average person is on the diet for five months and continues to take supplements long after they reach their goal. This generates sales commissions over time for your practice of approximately $200 for each dieter on the program.
Each dieter will make one to three diet referrals. These are supporters following the dieter's progress, and friends or family members who see the transformation take place as the dieter loses weight. Because you earn the same sales commission on each referral from the dieters you sign up, you can potentially earn $400 to $800 for each diet you sell.
If you sign up just 100 dieters in a year and each averaged just one referral, that's $200 times 200, $40,000 in commissions. If you promote the program to your existing email list and market the diet to the community, that number would likely be significantly higher.
New Patient Revenue
The web portal your dieters and their supporters use while on the program promotes chiropractic and your practice. It includes video testimonials from actual patients and an explanation of chiropractic itself. There's a place for as description of your practice, photos, contact information, special offers and more.
The more you promote the diet the greater the number of people in the community that will know about you and your practice. This results in new patients and with it, increased revenue for health care services.
Commissions For Your Staff
Staff Earn Significant Sales Commissions
Our system allows you to assign a discount code to each staff member interested in earning a commission for promoting the diet and supporting patients they sign up for the program. This motivates them to learn about the program and recommend it to patients and the people they know outside the practice. Because each sale generates a commission for the practice, it costs the practice nothing to motivate staff this way.
When you sign up as an affiliate, we provide you with 500 business cards that have a place for staff to enter their code. Staff who want to go beyond the occasional referral can purchase additional cards with their discount code printed in the provided space. They can also purchase additional tabletop signs and place them in local business locations to really generate sales if they like. This is a great way for them to promote the practice, the diet, and earn additional income.
Additional Sales Staff
You can hire additional sales staff to place signs in local businesses. Pay them a commission instead of a salary and let them go out into the community placing their signs and discount cards wherever they can at their own pace. This not only promotes the diet, every dieter and their supporters also learn about your practice, generating new patients.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Offer Core-22 to your patients for 30 days. If they don't love the program and their results, simply return the promotional material for a full refund (minus any commissions paid)
Basic Package Just $999
Branded Website, Administration Portals, Training, Business Cards, Banner and signs.