Learn About the Diet
An online turnkey system branded as your club's nutritional program

Five Factors of Our Success
22 Principles of Weight Loss and Control
The Core-22 weight loss strategy is successful because it does not rely on any one principle for its effectiveness. It’s based on 22 principles of weight loss and control rather than the handful most diets suggest. The principles are taught by doctor Schmitt in high definition video which provides dieters with the confidence that what is being taught is safe, healthy, and based on sound evidence.
Dieters view 22 videos to learn everything there is to know about losing and controlling their weight.

For example, Principle 19, Use Exercise to Enhance Your Result
• How to prepare, lose, stabilize, and maintain your weight
• How to choose the most nutrients food with fewer calories
• Understanding calories and weight control
• How to boost calorie burning metabolism
• How to reduce hunger and cravings
• Using supplements to boost metabolism
• Boost metabolism with unprocessed salt
• Reduce toxins, inflammation and water retention
• Drink water to boost metabolism and burn more calories
• Use the glycemic index to lower blood sugar and stop weight gain
• The calorie burning power of the intermittent fast
• Stress hormones, hunger and emotional eating
• How to use fiber to enhance digestion and eliminate constipation
• How to keep losing weight for as long as you like
• Developing grit to increase your chances of success
• Use daily feedback to modify your behavior
• Gain control over hardwired compulsions
• How to break bad habits and replace them with good habits
• Taking responsibility for your mistakes to make progress
• Use social support to keep you motivated and making progress
• Add exercise to enhance your weight loss and final results
• Adjust your attitude to get faster weight loss
• Learn to cook delicious food so you love eating the right things
Nutrient Rich Food that Tastes Great
You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight if you know how to choose and prepare food in ways that tastes great and provides more of the nutrients your cells need to burn calories. If you like the food you eat on our program you will never have to stop eating it and that makes keeping the weight off much easier.
The Core-22 Program is based on a nutrient rich balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Dieters eat unlimited amounts of green leaf vegetables, moderate amounts of non-green leaf vegetables, and limited but daily amounts of oil, fresh berries, grapefruit, apples, lemons, and limes.
Depending on your gender, height, and activity level, we recommend just the right portions of protein (lean beef, poultry, or seafood) each day. We completely eliminate processed food, fast food, and food that contains artificial sweeteners or additives.
Calories range from 650 to 1,800 per day depending on your body size and activity level and may be adjusted for anyone with special needs. Individuals who want to add exercise to their program are taught to eat slightly more to ensure they have the energy needed for whatever activity level they choose.
We have cooking videos to teach you simple ways to make great meals. When you reach your goal, eat whatever you want and if you gain a few pounds as a result, just eat more of the food you did while losing weight and it will drop right back down.
Approved Food

Cooking Video Examples

Burn More Calories with the Right Supplements
For cells to burn calories, they need specific types and amounts of nutrients. Nutrients are the raw materials that cells need to function. If a cell does not have all the nutrients it needs, it functions at a lower intensity, does less work, and burns fewer calories. Our food plan is based on calories and nutrients. Rather than simply cut calories, we teach dieters to eat food that has the highest concentration of nutrients and the lowest number of calories. This turns up cell function (metabolism) allowing dieters to eat more without gaining weight or to lose weight at a much faster rate.
Because food, even the best food, cannot supply all the nutrients our cells need, we provide dieters with food-based organic supplements to assure their cells get all the nutrients they need for maximum cell function and calorie burning capacity. The combination of nutritious food and the right supplements boosts metabolism, restores health, and burns more calories; resulting in greater weight loss. Providing the body with the nutrients it needs also reduces hunger and cravings which makes following the diet much easier.
Principle 16, Take the right supplements
Daily Feedback
To apply the 22 principles, a dieter needs to know what they are doing right or wrong each day. This allows them to make adjustments in their behavior and eventually master all 22 principles. Each day dieters receive a text message and link to log into the site. They enter their weight and answer twenty two yes or no questions based on the principles. This allows them to see the relationship between what they did or did not do, and the results for that day. This teaches them the consequences of their actions so they can begin to make better decisions about what, when, and how much they eat.
Dieters weight-loss phase

Principle 16, Get Daily Feedback
Social Support from Dieters, Friends, and Family
We call this social dieting because we ask dieters to enlist the support of at least five friends and family members. We make this easy with tools that allow dieters to send a text message or email to any number of contacts requesting their support. If they agree, they receive a text message or email from us on a regular basis that asks them to simply click a link to check on their dieters progress. Supporters never learn the dieter's actual weight but do see how much progress is being made. They can also leave and receive messages when they visit the dieters progress page. This provides motivation for our dieter to do their best to make as much progress as possible.
Supporter Communication System and Progress Graph

Message left for a dieter when visited by a supporter

Principle 18, Enlist the support of friends and family
1 - Nutrition Based Weight Loss
When our cells don’t get the nutrients they need, calorie-burning metabolism slows and we experience chronic hunger and cravings, all contributing to weight gain. This is why so many Americans are overweight. It’s also why most dieters gain back any weight they lose on other weight loss programs.
We teach dieters how to choose and prepare food that has the most nutrients and to use food-based supplements to burn more calories and reduce chronic hunger.

2 - We Provide Three Phases of Weight Control
Most programs are focused on weight loss but do very little to prevent you from gaining the weight back. To lose weight and keep it off, you also need to stabilize your weight once you reach your goal and then know how to keep from gaining it back. Our stabilization and maintenance steps make weight loss more permanent than any other program.

3 - Teaching the Principles of Weight Loss
We use video to teach dieters all twenty-two principles or factors that determine their weight. This allows them to understand why they gained weight in the first place and how to lose as much weight as they want. Knowing all the principles gives them the flexibility to the principles they will apply. This allows them to customize the program to meet their own particular needs.

4 - Daily Feedback
To apply the 22 principles, a dieter needs to know what they are doing right or wrong each day. This allows them to make adjustments in their behavior until they master each new principle. Each day dieters receive a text message that includes a link to log onto the site. They enter their weight, answer twenty-two yes or no questions based on the principles, and very quickly learn the relationship between their actions and results. This process makes it possible for them to learn the consequences of their actions so they can begin to make better decisions about what, when, and how much they eat.

5 - Preparing to Lose Weight
Before starting to lose weight we ask dieters to consider the difficulties they faced losing weight in the past so they don’t make the same mistakes again. We also ask them to consider the underlying reason why losing weight is so important to them. We use this information during the feedback process to keep them motivated and making progress.

6 - Daily Feedback Reminder Text
We send dieters a reminder text each morning with a link to their feedback questions and progress graph. It takes just 30 seconds to enter their weight and answer questions related to the 22 principles.

7 - Weight Loss Phase
This graph allows dieters to know where they are in the process and how long it will take to reach their goal at their current rate.

8 - Weight Loss Food Plan
Dieters learn how to choose food with the highest nutritional content, fewest calories, and eat portions that are perfect for their height, age, gender and activity level.

9 - We Teach Dieters How To Cook
We provide cooking videos to teach dieters how to prepare meals that are healthy, promote weight loss and taste great.

10 - Supporters Provide Motivation
Dieters ask their closest friends and family to follow their progress. We send their supporters regular text messages that include a link to a page like the one below. Here, they can see a dieter’s weight loss and leave a comment. Every time a supporter visits this page, the dieter is notified, keeping them motivated to make constant progress.

11 - Stabilization Phase
When a dieter reaches their goal, they need to learn to keep their weight constant for 30 days. This stabilizes their new weight. Stabilization and the next step, maintenance, are missing from other programs and why dieters usually gain back all the weight they lost.

12 - Maintenance Phase
When a dieter reaches their goal and stabilizes their weight, they need to maintain it. They continue to log in every day to enter their weight and use everything they have learned to keep their weight between the two lines on the graph below.

13 - Food-Based Supplements
Unlike the majority of supplements sold today that are synthesized in a factory like, the supplements we use come from fruits, vegetables and wild caught fish. They were carefully selected to ensure that when combined with nutrient rich food, you have all the nutrients needed to burn more calories, reduce chronic hunger, and allow for optimum cell function. This is why the diet is so healthy and easy to follow. It’s also the primary reason why dieters lose weight so fast and find it easy to keep the weight off.

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Offer Core-22 to your patients for 30 days. If they don't love the program and their results, simply return the promotional material for a full refund (minus any commissions paid)
Basic Package Just $999
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