Every time you visit this page to view the progress of the people you support, your name is posted where they will see to let them know you did. That alone and any message you leave are powerful motivators that can't be created any other way.
I can't thank you enough for lending your support.
You will receive a daily update reminder for the first 30-days any dieter you support is on the program, after that, they come weekly until 30-days after he or she reaches their goal. During maintenance, status updates come just once a month to assure that any of the weight lost is not gained back.
Turn Off Reminder Messages - You can turn reminder messages off that come to you without deleting your supporter them from this page. Use the My Tools link from your weight loss, stabilization, or maintenance page and click the Reminder Messages button.
Delete a Supporter - You can stop supporting any dieter, deleting them from your supporter page by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.